
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Organize all your Online Recipes!

As many of us search the web for recipes in order to prepare delicious meals, we end up with so many online recipes!  What do we do with them all??  I have discovered an awesome idea that works for me, saves paper, and is clutter free! I use Microsoft OneNote. This allows you to make a digital notebook. On the left you have the name of the notebook, you may have more than one notebook. I currently only have one recipe notebook. On the top panel you have your categories (i.e. main dish, soups, salad, breakfast, etc). Then on the right you have each individual recipe under each section.
Two things that have won me over with this method is:
1- When you copy and paste a recipe, it automatically adds the web address where you got the recipe from, so if you need a quick reference you just click on the link and it sends you to the page.
2- If you so happen to make a dish, and it doesn't quite taste as good as you thought it would,you can simply delete that recipe!  No more clutter!

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